Danish Tumbler, Clean Legged
The Danish Tumbler, Clean Legged – also known by names: Culbutant Danois à Pattes Lisses, Dänischer Tümmler, Capitombolante Danese, Датский голоногий турман – The Danish Tumling is Denmark’s national duerace and part of our national cultural heritage. The breed can be traced all the way back to 1572, when King Frederik II introduced Tumlingen from India to his zoo on Hillerødholm Estate. You will find a special section in the menu with The Danish Tumbling’s more than 400 years of history.
The name “tumbling” comes from the fact that they introduced pigeon mastered and enjoyed the aerial acrobatics, and “hit the buckets in the air” when they were in a really good flying mood, and it was high and clear weather.
This property is preserved in the old tribes, which are still cherished by breeders around Denmark.
The Danish Tumler was thus originally a “flying pigeon”, which was kept and bred to enjoy its excellent flying properties and the beautiful play of colors in a flock of pigeons in rapid flight in the air.
The current standard was adopted in 1960, and the breeding goal was then set so far-sighted that there is still further breeding work to be done in 2008, before the many colors and varieties of the beautiful pigeon have reached the goal.

Danish Tumbler, Grouse Legged
Danish Tumbler, Grouse Legged – or also known by names: Culbutant Danois Botté, Dänischer Tümmler (Bestrümpft), Capitombolante Danese (a Zampe Implumi), Датский пестрый длинноногий турман – is a Danish variety, but not yet known Precisely since when developed, is only estimated in the period after the known clean legged variant, and before the emergence of the shield variant. The varieties belonging to this tumbler pigeons type, as the tumbler group generally, have excellent flying skills, but then only developed as a display pigeon.
Old Danish Flying Tumbler – Gammel Dansk Flyvetumling

1879. Recognized as Old Danish tumbler – Gammel Dansk Flyvetumling in Denmark in 1999. Small nimble pigeon, which should bear the mark of flying tumble. The pigeon must have a tight feather layer and smooth legs; however, there are some varieties in leg-feathered.
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