Colour Pigeons Swiss Colour Pigeons

Lucerne Self ( Einfarbige Luzerner Taube )

Luzerner Taube
Einfarbige Luzerner Taube

The Lucerne self pigeons – also known by names: Lucernois Unicolore, Einfarbige Luzerner Taube, Lucernese Unicolore, Люцернский Голубь – are varieties originating from Switzerland (Switzerland), mainly developed in the Lucerne region, informed beginning in the 19th century . The variety categorized into this type of Swiss colour pigeons, believed to be the result of a cross between the Swiss and Owl races, is quite popular in its home region, but is not common in many European countries. When considered, in addition to having an attractive appearance, this variety also has good flying skills.

swiss pigeons
lucerne self colour pigeons
lucerne pigeons
lucerne self white
Lucernois unicolore

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