Belgische Tentoonstellingsreisduif
Belgian Beauty Homer – also known by names: Belgian Exhibition Homer, Voyageur Document d’Exposition, Belgische Austellungs brieftaube, Viaggiatore Belga da Esposizione, Бельгийский красивый Гомер – are Belgian varieties and are classified as utility forms. These pigeons have actually been developed for a long time, but were only recognized at Malmedy in 2009. Now these species are widely grown in various countries of Europe.
Belgian Beauty Homer Pigeons ; is the display of the world famous Belgian racing pigeon from pigeon sport. The Exhibition Trip Pigeon has been specially selected for the beauty genre for nearly 40 years.
The Belgian show racing pigeon is the show form of world famous racing pigeons raised from 1800 from crossbreeds between racing homer, cropper pigeons, tumbler pigeons, Dragoon pigeons, carrier pigeons.
The weight of this pigeon is also slightly higher than the normal Belgian racing pigeon (from 575 g to 650 g), so it also has added value for meat. This pigeon is well suited for free flight because from 1 month old they will quickly return to their original home. Racing pigeons have a very good orientation ability and the strength to overcome hundreds of kilometers at high speed and return to their roofs in a relatively short time.
The breed has a large number of breeders.
A lot of attention is paid to the head in the selection of the exhibition racing pigeon. It should have a nice curved line from the beak tip to the back of the head without any indentation. Unlike what is usually seen in older racing pigeons, show racing pigeons may only have a thin rim of the eyes.
All recognized normal colors are allowed: silver such as white, black, blue with black bands, red, ‘scalloped’ (checkered), ash-red, more commonly known as (sand) pale. Finally, the Belgian racing pigeon fair has a large number of breeders nationally.

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