Moravsky volác belohlávek
Ornamental dove Bohemian Cropper – or also known by the names: Boulant à Tête Blanche de Moravie, Mährischer Weißkopfkröpfer, Gozzuto di Boemia, Богемский дутыш – is a variety that comes from Germany and Czech, and is informed as a result of a cross between Steller and Stavak races. Varieties that are grouped into this type of Cropper Pigeons, have not been found when the information began to be created. From the results of the breeding done, including the emergence of variants of magpie and gansel. In the United States, from the results of breeding that gave birth to the Magpie and Gansel variants, which became known as the American Bohemian Pouter

American Bohemian Cropper

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