American Flying Baldhead – or also known by the names: Amerikanischer Fliege Glatzkof,Tête Chauve Amerikanischer Fliegen, Американские Лётные Лысоголовые Голуби – are varieties developed in America (including Canada), but I did not find adequate information about when did this variety begin to be cultivated. One thing is certain, this variety is very popular in its home country. This dove is classified as a tumbler type, and is known as a great aviator.

other name Canadian baldhead show roller
Canadian Show Roller – which has no other designation – is a variety originating from Canada, which is thought to have begun to be bred in the early 1900s. Varieties classified into this Tumbler type, do have similarities to American Flying Baldhead (AFB) and American Roller, but still believed to be separate varieties. Apparently, both in terms of flight ability and appearance, the Canadian Show Roller is more elegant. Some fanciers believe that the Canadian Show Roller is able to fly faster than AFB and American Roller.

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